Our Medical Director is a civil surgeon with the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Service). With this authorization, we provide I-693 (I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record) Immigration Assessments in our Cary, North Carolina location ( 8450 Chapel Hill Road , Suite 205, Cary NC).
I-693 Assessments are performed on Wednesdays; two visits are usually required for the completion of this process- although it may be necessary to refer you to outside resources based on assessment and test result findings.
Official acceptable forms of identification ( i.e. passport, driver’s license, or other official identification), basic demographic & personal information, vaccination records, and signatures are all required for your first visit. As part of the I-693 requirement, we will complete all components to include: physical examination, psychological evaluation, required titers (immunity levels), and testing for tuberculosis and communicable diseases, as well as all USCIS required vaccinations.
If required, you will return for a follow-up visit (1-2 weeks later) to receive any additional vaccinations or testing. We will review all required test results and documents.
Upon process completion, your approved, signed and sealed I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Records documents will be given to you. This package must be delivered to the USCIS as part of the application procedure and cannot be opened. You will also be provided with an identical set of these documents for your records, that have not been sealed.
USCIS website is : https://www.uscis.gov/
Obtain a copy of the Immigration Physical Examination Form here: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-693.pdf
For more details or for an appointment call or email us at customerservice@passporthealthtrianglenc.com