Travelers: Dr. Scott Morcott & Corey McVey, RN
Destination: Lagos, Nigeria
Trip Date: February 2014
The villagers began lining up before sunrise in the thick Nigerian air. The young and old, the relatively healthy alongside the infirm. They had come with hope and for help from Passport Health’s Corey McVey and Dr. Scott Morcott.
“There was a little bit of everything,” said McVey, executive director of Passport Health clinics in Chicago and Milwaukee. “Upper respiratory infections, sore throats. We treated typhoid and malaria. These are very common diseases there.”
With 1,400 pounds of medical supplies, McVey and Morcott traveled more than 7600 miles from Chicago to Houston to the African city of Lagos not entirely certain what they might see. Morcott had recently come up with a plan to visit a longtime friend and native Nigerian who had founded Life Builders Ministries International, of which Morcott is board chairman.