People in good health should receive a flu vaccination each year so that they are protected against illness during the flu season, which typically starts in October and ends in the spring. No matter what the size of your company, now is the time to start thinking about holding a workplace flu shot program in order to guarantee the health of your employees later on in the year. However, organizing an on-site flu clinic might seem a bit daunting and you may have concerns about how to maximize the number of vaccinations while not affecting the operation of your business. Thankfully, the process is much easier than you might expect! Here are some tips on how to make your flu shot program a success.
“Advertise” the Event in Advance
You should start making your employees aware of the upcoming event at least three weeks before the vaccination program is set to take place. This will give them ample time to learn about the benefits of flu vaccination, so they can decide for themselves as to whether or not they want to get vaccinated. If you have a company newsletter, you should strongly consider writing a small article about the upcoming vaccination event. Closer to the actual date or dates of the event, you should send out a mass email, reminding employees to sign up if they are interested. Informational posters placed around the office may also help.
Ensure an Ample Supply of the Vaccine
You should make sure that you have enough vaccines for everyone who wants to get one. The best way to do this is to have everyone sign up in advance. Passport Health makes this easy with our unique online signup portals. This way, you can purchase enough flu vaccines and be assured that no one will miss out. If you cannot guarantee an adequate supply, encourage your staff to contact their health specialist and ask for a vaccination. They can also contact pharmacies and clinics in the area in order to schedule a vaccination.
Be Flexible
You probably don’t want to have everyone rushing to the workplace vaccination site at once. As soon as your employees have started to express an interest in receiving an influenza vaccine, ask them to schedule an appointment with you or any other organizers. This way, you can ensure that everyone gets their turn and no one is held up or pulled away from important work duties.
Set a Vaccination Goal
The best part about setting a goal is that you will provide an incentive for your employees. People enjoy encouragement and praise, and if you reach your target, you can send out a congratulatory letter to your employees. You may even want to bring in small treats to the office if you meet the goal. In addition, you can try and exceed this year’s goal with next year’s influenza vaccination clinic if you choose to hold one.
Focus on the Positive
The ultimate goal for any workplace flu shot program is for employees to stay healthy during the height of the flu season. Every completed vaccination is a success. Planning and executing a workplace vaccination program can seem complicated, but the end results are worth it. Contact Passport Health today for more information about setting up an on-site vaccination clinic for your company or business.
CDC Facts about the Seasonal Flu Vaccine
CDC Page on Key Flu Facts
Passport Health’s Flu Shot ROI Calculator
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